Join me in my realm of working with you and your guidance. With your permission, my guides will assist me in connecting to your guidance and I will be entering the space where I can “hear”, see, and emotionally sense messages. This will allow us to become conscious of information. You may already have some intuitive or vague awareness of the material and yet it may have been existing just below the surface of your conscious mind. The messaging may come in the form of statements, questions the guides want me to ask you, interpretations of events, experiences or feelings you are sharing in the session, and/or even suggestions for post session time with yourself or with another. I will ask you at the onset of the session to give me a sense of what you are seeking, what is troubling you or someone close to you; and/or what else may have led you to reach out for a Reading with me. I may ask a few questions for clarification and may check a bit into any history with the subject matter we are addressing.
I will next initiate the Reading with a grounding and opening suggestion which calls upon our guidance while asking your permission to enter into your space. I want you to be aware that my experience with the work I am doing involves messages, information, and/or direction all of which are delivered in love and with light. While some information may feel temporarily uncomfortable, it will not generate fear or feel threatening. The work is not predictive per se, as much as it will point to possible themes or trends that may unfold given the arrangement of your life choices at the moment of the Reading. We will always discuss ways of altering or intervening on events.
I look forward to our time and space together.
Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it.
Pema Chodron